Mar 31, · Topics: Cold War, Cuban Missile Crisis, Cuba Pages: 7 ( words) Published: March 31, Contemporary Diplomacy. Essay: The Cuban Missile Crisis () During the Cold War, the Soviet Union represented socialism and the USA and its NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) allies represented capitalism. The world was divided between these ideologies, with United States The Cuban Missile Crisis Essay Words | 6 Pages. inevitable to the world, it was the first time nuclear war was hanging on a thread. The Cuban Missile Crisis presented a threat to the world, in which the USSR planted nuclear missiles on Cuba. America’s response was to threaten launching nuclear missiles at the Russians May 11, · On this agreement, the Cuban missile crisis was avoided peacefully though the American president was seen as a winner. This essay on The Cuban Missile Crisis was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly
The Cuban Missile Crisis - Words | Essay Example
The Cuban Missile Crisis was a battle that arose between the United States, the cuban missile crisis essay, Cuba and Soviet Union in United States unsuccessful efforts to overthrow Cuban regime Operation Mongoose prompted Soviet to furtively erect bases in Cuba to provide medium and intermediate range of airborne nuclear artilleries to prove to the world its military supremacy.
The artilleries had a capability of striking continental America. The installation of missiles in Cuba was a Soviet mission done privately to facilitate surprise attack to continental America White,p. To curb potential danger caused by the situation, John F.
Kennedy effected strategies which proved useful in calming the situation. Managing the Cuban Missile Crisis was a complex issue by John F. Kennedy administration. Perhaps, the United States intelligence was convinced that Soviet the cuban missile crisis essay not succeed in installing nuclear missiles in Cuba. However, this was not the case; the Soviet had gone ahead and installed the missiles without prior knowledge of United States security intelligent. To mitigate the risk, the Kennedy administration discussed various options to reduce the likelihood of a full blown crisis.
The cuban missile crisis essay measures adopted included; military, quarantine and diplomacy among other measures. The John Kennedy administration embraced using military to designate Missile sites in Cuba by using military prowess. United States Military interventions were well developed thus the Kennedy administration found it easy to order posting to strategic sites on the Atlantic Ocean.
Besides, the cuban missile crisis essay, the Army, marine, and navy had a tough program if they were not engaged; they were systematically ordered to the sea White,p. Concentrated air monitoring in Atlantic was instigated, tracking more than 2, foreign ships in the area. The government was determined in case the Soviet Union launched nuclear assault; United States military was standby to answer.
According to Whitep. Besides, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile troops assumed analogous vigilant authority. Moreover, the POLARIS submarines were deployed to reassigned locations in the sea bordering United States and Cuba. The supreme nuclear weapons of Kennedy administration were installed to forestall any hasty battle poised by the Cuban Missile Crisis. Divine ,p. Combatant interceptors, NIKE-HERCULES and HAWK missile hordes, were tactically relocated to southeast part to enhance local air defense White,p.
The John Kennedy constituted its Air Force, the cuban missile crisis essay, Army and Navy in October. When command organizations were officially constituted, the Commander in Chief Atlantic was chosen to lead the team and provide a unified authority. The John F. Kennedy administration implemented all these plans through the Joint Chiefs of Staff who later named Chief of Naval Operations to administer all necessary actions and subsequent execution.
Kennedy administration imposed a quarantine to exert more pressure on Soviet Union with a view of subverting possible war. This was one of the flexible methods unlike others that US government embraced. Quarantine was aimed at constraining buildup of offensive military weapons en-route to Cuba. To thoroughly execute the strategy, all kinds of ships en-route to Cuba from whichever country or port were scrutinized to confirm the presence of aggressive artilleries.
Byrnep. This quarantine was stretched to other kinds of cargoes and carriers. Quarantine provided more opportunity to Soviet Union to reconsider their position and destroy all offensive military apparatus in Cuba, the cuban missile crisis essay. Quarantine was believed as a precise strategy in solving the Cuban Missile Crisis because, the US government thought that it will be easier to start with a limited steps towards stringent measures for implementation Byrne,p Though it started at a low pace, it exerted more pressure on Soviet Union thus yielding to United States demands.
This proved to be an effective strategy. Soviet Union sentiment was that United States was contravening international law. However, the cuban missile crisis essay was hard for the Soviet to test the applicability of this strategy. They knew if they dare rise the situation at hand would become even worse. The Soviets acknowledged installing missiles in Cuba to secure it against the US invasion. The Kennedy administration accordingly accepted to invade Cuba.
John Kennedy and ExComm John F. advisers team prodded every probable diplomatic system to truncate a nuclear holocaust. The Cuban Missile Crisis deepened diplomatic relations between the United States and Soviet Union with a choice of evading more emergency or perhaps war. According to Byrnep. He sustained emphasis upon Khrushchev the cuban missile crisis essay but adeptly. Potency was used shrewdly by Kennedy administration as a powerful, discreet component to urge Soviets cede the plan without embarrassment.
His persistence was unwavering. United States and the Soviet exchanged letters and intensified communication both formal and informal. The Soviet through Khrushchev dispatched letters to Kennedy administration explaining the circumstances of Missiles in Cuba and peaceful intention of Soviet Union. Further, diplomatic efforts were strengthened by more letters from Soviet Union explaining the intent of dismantling the missile installations in Cuba and subsequent personnel relocation.
This was only after United States dismantled its missile it had installed in Italy and Turkey. hence his diplomatic finesse succeeded in convincing Soviet Union to dismantle its Missiles in Cuba under United Nations supervision whereas the honoring its commitment in removing its missile installations in the continental Europe.
John F. Kennedy administration amicably responded to Cuban Missile Crisis in an effective way. Measures undertaken such as; military intervention, quarantine and skillful diplomacy necessitated subversion of the crisis. Failure of which would the cuban missile crisis essay resulted in another World War.
Besides, the plans facilitated the Kennedy administration to effectively prove to the world it the cuban missile crisis essay capable of handling similar magnitude of threats to enhance world peace and security. Byrne, P. The Cuban Missile Crisis: To the Brink of Warthe cuban missile crisis essay, Minneapolis: Compass Point Books. White, M.
Missiles In Cuba: Kennedy, Khrushchev, Castro, And The CrisisTexas: University of Texas. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Select a website referencing style:. Cuban Missile Crisis. Table of Contents. Introduction Managing of Cuban Missile Crisis Conclusion Reference list. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on Cuban Missile Crisis specifically for you!
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Essay Writing Cuban Missile Crisis paragraph
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Dec 24, · Paper Type: Essay. Pages: 3 ( words) Download Paper: Views: The Cuban Missile Crisis, presents an integrated, comprehensive record of U.S. decisionmaking during the most dangerous U.S.-Soviet confrontation in the nuclear era The Cuban Missile Crisis Essay Words | 6 Pages. inevitable to the world, it was the first time nuclear war was hanging on a thread. The Cuban Missile Crisis presented a threat to the world, in which the USSR planted nuclear missiles on Cuba. America’s response was to threaten launching nuclear missiles at the Russians May 11, · On this agreement, the Cuban missile crisis was avoided peacefully though the American president was seen as a winner. This essay on The Cuban Missile Crisis was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly
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