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Much ado about nothing essay

Much ado about nothing essay

much ado about nothing essay

 · Much ado about nothing Essay (votes: 1) Much ado about nothing is a romantic intriguing comedy written by William Shakespeare. By focusing on relationships, the author of the play highlights the impact of deception to unity, love and happiness  · Cover letter phrases closing Critical essay much ado about nothing While it was also popular in Shakespeare’s time, its themes are still very an analytical essay on the lovers' journey in awareness, and the way in which Shakespeare blogger.comhout the play, Shakespeare creates scenes where misunderstandings and lies help develop and destroy relationships and  · Much Ado about Nothing by Shakespeare Essay. September 29, by Essay Writer. At first sight, Much Ado About Nothing, a play written by Shakespeare, seems to be an ordinary tale about the life of high society with its intrigues, gossips, and love affairs. However, the writer would not have written this comedy unless he had wanted to disclose human vices and satirize the upper class’s Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins

Critical Essay Much Ado About Nothing

The play was written by Shakespeare in the Elizabethan era and therefore love was portrayed in a very different way, they would have seen a woman as less important in a relationship; in this era however we have very different views and see both genders as equal.

Consequently as the play progresses the Elizabethan audience would relate a lot more to the courtly love that Hero and Claudio comprise. The more unconventional relationship between Beatrice and Benedick may relate more to the relationships in this day and age. The strongest bond of love is between Beatrice and Benedick due to their cerebral relationship, a meeting of minds, as well as having a fun relationship grounded on loyalty.

It seems idealistic; love at first sight; however their bond was not strong enough to last when severely tested. This proved that their relationship was founded on social acceptance and practicality. They were not equals. These ideas about the strong feelings of love and their negative and positive impacts can also be explored in a selection of pre 20th century poems. Beatrice and Benedick have a relationship that consists of witty argument and they both have a very negative attitude towards love.

However as the play progresses-despite being so against the idea of love their opinions change and they gradually, unconventionally find out that they confused their love with anger and they do love each other; they finally realise that they enjoy their arguments and what they hated about each other they actually loved, they have a partnership.

He is worried about being cuckolded, made fun of. He mocks the idea- he is too sensible and rational to give in to the irrational ways of love. He says that he would have horns clapped much ado about nothing essay his head and writing branded into his forehead a cuckold suggesting that he thinks that any woman he marries would definitely cheat on him, much ado about nothing essay.

He thinks that love makes him vulnerable. This is what Benedick thinks will happen to him, he much ado about nothing essay worried that if he does much ado about nothing essay marry, the woman would still be interested in other men, and this would ruin his masculinity. They have a relationship that is a lot more cerebral, they do not fall in love at first sight and they much ado about nothing essay too strong willed to woo each other in the conventional Elizabethan way.

This is subtle as she disguises her concern with an insult. The first time it is read, no much ado about nothing essay can be spotted in his words as it sounds instantly insulting but he still actually loves her despite flaws. Both these quotes give very subtle, secret messages. Beatrice uses two main semantic fields when mocking and insulting Benedick.

The first one is about how much he eats and how much of an appetite he has. This could also be an innuendo that he has a sexual appetite as well as an appetite for food. Both of these women had their heart stolen by a man that they thought loved them, they gave away their hearts but did not get anything in return; Beatrice now has a bitter attitude towards both Benedick and love in general.

She is also however independent enough to fight her own battles. The second semantic field she uses is about war and fighting. But how much ado about nothing essay hath he killed? She does not want to be seen as less important just because she is a woman, she expresses her views blatantly.

An Elizabethan audience would have seen this as very unusual and un-ladylike for a woman, she is not the typical quiet and modest person that she may have been expected to be considering she had an uncle of much ado about nothing essay a high class. Benedick shows that he has been hurt by Beatrice, he admits it; however the idea that he even thought about marriage without being provoked suggests that it is an idea in his mind, even though he says he would never marry her, the fact that he even considered Beatrice and marriage together proves that he has thought about it.

Are you yet living? The way he heavily punctuates this sentence by using exclamation marks and a question mark adds a comical, much ado about nothing essay, forceful idea- they are comfortable to insult each other straight away with cutting remarks. They have no intention on becoming lovers. They begin to start interrupting each other proving that Beatrice is not like the typical Elizabethan modest woman, she is not afraid to talk back at Benedick despite his status.

Shakespeare presents their relationship as a clash of wit between two very confident and intelligent natured people. This is why later on their friends think that they are well suited to each other and try to get each other to fall in love. Their relationship to an Elizabethan audience would have seemed unusual but their unique and interesting bond would have captivated the audience. Later on in the play Benedick is tricked into thinking that Beatrice is in love with him, much ado about nothing essay.

He is convinced that Beatrice is in love with him and resolves to return her affection, much ado about nothing essay.

The quote relates to the fact that Benedick had never been in love before he fell for Beatrice. He was confusing his love with hatred; they have a bond, much ado about nothing essay, attracted physically as well as being bonded by a cerebral love, much ado about nothing essay. If thou dost love, my kindness shall incite thee To bind our loves up in a holy band. She thinks that Benedick deserves her love back and resolves to be nicer to him and love him as he does her.

Beatrice is asking Benedick to prove his love for her by doing something to benefit her and to win her as a wife; it is so that he can be represented as a noble and respected man. This would have seemed normal to the Elizabethan audience, it is courtly love, and although their relationship has been unconventional so far, Beatrice is using emotional blackmail to get Benedick to prove himself much ado about nothing essay he does. The marriage can make or break him as a person; it could either turn out to be a negative or positive choice in his life, much ado about nothing essay.

However, being married means that Beatrice will occupy his time a lot and he will no longer have such good friendships, there is also still a chance of him being cuckolded which could undo him as a man. They have a bond that is bigger than the standard courtly love that is most popular in the Elizabethan times. They are equal in their relationship with may not have been deemed as conventional. It proves just how much Benedick has changed over the course of the play- from trying to prevent and put off Claudio marrying because he thinks makes you less of a man, to promoting marriage because he thinks it makes you a better, more well rounded man.

They went from appearing to be worst enemies to a married couple, they did not fall in love a first sight, they fought- but they got to know each other, and gradually their opinions on each other and opinions on love changed. He is saying that he thinks that she is just as special as any woman that other poets have made fake comparisons about.

In the end they get married and Benedick and Beatrice love each other unconditionally despite their faults; this proves a positive impact of unconditional love. It is founded on idealistic and romantic love in the beginning and it is based on first impressions. Claudio upon returning from the war perceives Hero as beautiful and wants to marry her. He does not know anything about her aside from her appearance and the wealth and power that would come from the marriage.

Claudio is unsure of himself from the very start. They are not equals but this idea would be accepted in an Elizabethan audience. Hero does not speak a lot on any occasion; she is a very stereotypical naive, shy, pretty, wealthy, young woman who is owned by her father to an extent.

She gives most important decisions to other people to decide for her and a lot of the Elizabethan women would have related to Hero. Hero and Claudio would appear to make a very suitable and ideal couple, a young knight and a young woman from a wealthy background. Later on in the play Claudio suddenly experiences a negative impact of love, proving that falling in love at first sight can be difficult to handle.

The theme of jealousy is shown when he thinks that Don Pedro is wooing Hero for himself. This suggests that he assumes things and gives up easily, he is immature and is easily lead into believing the disloyalty of his friends and Hero, much ado about nothing essay, there is no foundation to their bond. He believes that his Duchess is easily pleased and flirts with every man she passes, he is very judgemental, very much the same as Claudio. A lot of caesura is used in this quote, it makes you read it slower and this drags it out making it more dramatic, the author wants you to feel more sympathy for the man and to think that what she did was unacceptable.

He was being melodramatic about the situation like Claudio was. Much ado about nothing essay on, as the play progresses Don John plans a trick to play on Claudio to destroy his relationship with Hero. He uses Margaret a serving girl to pretend that she is Hero, and Borrachio spends the night with her in plain view of anyone that walks much ado about nothing essay. Don John then persuades Claudio to come and see how he is being cheated on. Claudio is very quick to assume that Hero is disloyal and easily impressed; he has no trust for her or faith in her.

He is vulnerable to trickery and deception. Claudio never goes and talks much ado about nothing essay Hero to confront her with what he thought he saw her do. He decides to shame her in public rather that discuss what happened, much ado about nothing essay.

An Elizabethan audience would have been a lot more understanding and sympathetic towards Claudio after this as they would have seen Hero as worthless, it was normal for women that were no longer maidens to be shunned much ado about nothing essay society in that era. Claudio clearly does not truly love Hero because when he thinks he sees her being disloyal, he is very quick to decide that she should be shunned and slandered as soon as Hero loses her value.

When the wedding comes the next day Claudio displays his disgust at Hero. The characters in the play have a very different view to this because of the era the play was set in and their statuses. Claudio is shocked and appalled that Hero could do such a thing and shamed her in front of everyone.

She lost all the pride and virtues she ever had. Claudio thinks that Hero has no honour any more, she presents herself as a maid and covers up her true self, disguising herself cunningly.

He thinks that he has proof, much ado about nothing essay. Claudio is assuming the worst without proof. He is extremely quick to judge for the second time proving how little trust he has in Hero, he does not even ask her about the whole misunderstanding.

Hero is being slandered and shamed in front of everybody she knows which would make anybody blush in such a situation. His mind is set on shaming her so that everybody knows that she is an un-loyal and impure woman, he does not treat it like a private matter.

If he had an open mind they could have talked it through and figured out that it was just a trick. Claudio was not loyal to Hero and discarded her as soon as he their relationship was put under pressure, proving that the only foundation of their bond was based on appearance. They then both experienced the negative impacts of love like heart break, jealousy and distrust. He never admits that he was wrong to shame Hero.

When Hero was shamed she did not push forward the idea that she did not know what they were talking about. She would be disowned and lose everything. Her freedom was taken because of a misunderstanding. If Friar Francis did not trust and help Hero, her relationship with Claudio would never have been brought together again. She always loved Claudio; she fell in love with him romantically and would never do anything to hurt him.

Although Hero was naive in the beginning of the play, but she was always innocent and after she was shamed, she got married to Claudio and a new hero was unveiled, a fresh start.

Although Hero did nothing wrong, her relationship with Claudio presents a negative impact of love. Despite this, Shakespeare portrayed Hero as a likeable character and so when she got the happy ending that she deserved, the audience would have been happy for her, much ado about nothing essay. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. Free essay samples Literature Plays Much Ado About Nothing Much Ado About Nothing.

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Shakespeare Essay On Much Ado About Nothing

much ado about nothing essay

view essay example. Much Ado About Nothing 4 Pages. Although set in Messina, Italy, the conventions in Much Ado About Nothing are those of Elizabethan England, where marriage was seen as a business transaction and family stability was vital. This idea is explored through the fate of Hero, who has little say in who  · Shakespeare Essay On Much Ado About Nothing Beatrice and Benedick, for example, delay resolving the problems in their relationship by continuously making errors in “notation,” or ways of blogger.coms (essay date ) SOURCE: "Much Ado about Nothing," in Shakespeare's Romantic Comedies: The Development of Their Form and Meaning, University of North Carolina Press, ,  · The Pronouns “You” and “Thou” in Much Ado About Nothing. March 18, by Essay Writer. Historically, there has been a distinction between the pronouns “thou” (“thee”, “thy”, “thine”) and “ye” (“your”, “you”), which later became “you”. The use of one of these pronouns depended on social and pragmatic factors, including the position in the social ladder or the affectiveness that the speaker

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