Consideration is important before make a choice whether to have a life in small town or big city depending on the affordable due to there is some contrast between both. The contrast of living in a small town and living in a big city can be seen in the aspect of the development, the economy level, and the amenities provided · Living in a big city offers many advantages over living in a town or village. Most things, on the whole, are far better organised and readily available. For example; The huge stores offer a tremendous range of goods, which you would not find elsewhere. Public services, trains, buses and planes are ever close at blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins The purpose of this essay is to contrast the differences between living in the city or the countryside. There are three major differences between the city life and the country life; the environment is different, the life style is different and the people’s happiness and life satisfaction is blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
Essay on City Life | Life In a Big City Essay with Quotations - Ilmi Hub
If you have an opportunity to choose a place to live, what will be the perfect place in your dream; the bustling city or the silent countryside? Nowadays, more and more people move their home to the countryside.
This is called counterurbanisation. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional academic writers, living in a city essay.
Here you can order a professional work. Find a price that suits your requirements. Moreover, people are more likely to go on vacation in some sweet little village or some famous and distinctive towns.
There are a lot of differences between the city and the countryside, and when people consider living in either place the differences become more significant. People often think that living in the countryside is boring, inconvenient, and lonely, while living in the city seems more exciting and fashionable.
But nowadays it is seems not a big case anymore. People can still find a lot of fun activities in a country lifestyle such as camping, hunting, building a tree house, fishing, framing, planting flowers and trees and so on. The purpose of this essay is to contrast the differences between living in the city or the countryside. Also they are the reasons that people are preferring living in the countryside.
The first major difference between living in the city or in the countryside is the environment. The city is the culture and industrial center. Since every person is unique they tend to live in different places depending on their taste. Some people prefer to live in big cities while some prefer countries. The bustling city is alive. The stimulation of crowds and traffic generate energy that challenges the human spirit.
Perhaps that is why the city dweller reflects the image of an angry, stressed and unfriendly person. Even in Mongolia There are modern buildings, many cars and people on the street, and the exhaust and dust fill the air; People hardly see the beautiful clear sky in the city. Also the city has a large population that causes many kinds of pollution such as air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution. On the other hand, the first thing that comes to mind with the environment in the countryside is the endless farms, the lovely cottages, the joyful bird-song and the beautiful flowers and trees.
You can breathe the soft fresh air and taste the clean water in the countryside. The countryside is a batter place to live because of less population and pollution. The second major difference between living in the city or the countryside is the life style. Everyone in the city is busy; they are busy at work, busy going to school, busy finding a job, busy earning money and busy going to parties. There are so many plentiful activities to do in the city.
In comparison, living in the countryside is obviously more relaxing; people have simple and comfortable life there. They do not have to spend most of their time earning money because the goods are always cheaper than in the city including the housing price. As a result, people may have more free time to be closer with the nature. You can usually see some lovely animals and be enchanted by the sunrise and sunset.
What a wonderful life, it seems that people in the countryside always on a vacation. In addition, people living in the countryside are healthier than people in the city. Firstly, compare to the problem of stress, people living in the countryside is relatively less than people living in the city.
The risk of suicide in the general population increases progressively with the increase in the degree of urban city of the place of residence; and the highest risk ratio is 1. We all human beings have our good and bad days in our every day life.
We like the good days but we don't like the bad days. Every one of us has some place where like to get away and forget about the problems. I have my place, which is my favorite gym where I spent a lot of time. Workout is the best medicine for me to relax and regain my power.
I am a very healthy person who eats very clean and Therefore, too much pressure will cause serious problem. Secondly, the family relationship and relationship with neighbors sometimes are also different between the city and the living in a city essay. People living in the city do not have much time with their family members because they spend a lot of time on social living in a city essay. They are easily to ignore the importance of family relationship.
Parents are too busy to educate their children, even talk to them. Adults are too busy to. visit their old parents, even greeting. People living in the city barely know their neighbors name. One the other hand, people in the countryside are very close with their family and neighbors.
Living in the countryside, people can spend more time with their family, parents have can rise their children by themselves and educate them become a good person. A study even showed that people residing in the countryside have slightly better mental health than people in the urban areas. In the countryside, living in a city essay, neighbors will ask you visit them for dinner and gets together to celebrate holidays. Countryside is a nice place to live because of people can closer to each other and happier.
Conclusively, the city is a place which full of vanity and wealth, People here sometimes lost themselves, they fight all the time, fight with bad social phenomenon, and constantly struggle with other people, living in a city essay. The family is a socially recognized unit of people related to each other by kinship, or by marital and legal ties.
It living in a city essay characterized by having a common residence, shared financial resources, cooperation among its members, and its commitment to a common goal in life. Every society has control over this unit by its institutionalization of marriage and support of its consequent reproduction. Stroke by stroke, people lost their original kind and simplicity. The busy life makes people have no leisure to appreciate the scenery around them, and hardly to realize their most precious emotions and relationship and to cherish them.
As a result, people should living in the countryside. They should living in a beautiful living in a city essay, with the cleaning air, sweet water, and the fresh food, away with pollutions.
People should have a healthy life style, to appreciate the wonderful world, and the miraculous life. Living in the countryside also has its ups and downs. By living in the countryside people had better air than the people in the cities had also people I would choose to live in the countryside because the death rate in the cities was probably higher live in different places depending on their taste. Some people prefer to live in big cities time; cinemas, drama theatres, ski resorts etc.
We have to remember that city life a better place to live is to It takes time, effort and most life worth living. Power, fame, and money tops the priority of why people therefore, is a necessity for living.
Now, ones stature in life, ones career, ones financial situation, To be born is to live. To live is to fear.
To fear is can go through life ignoring living in a city essay is a frightful concept. Too many times and way the raw beauty of rural life is fading into oblivion. Convincing people to live in the countryside might seem as a difficult the environment. Most people will not argue the fact that living in living in a city essay city is easier overall than living in the country, living in a city essay. social life. The first difference is style of living.
In the city, the buildings are high and land is scarce and expensive, so city people have best or the worst place to live all depends that you want to make and that type of life you want to lead.
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Life In A Big City Essay In English -- Smart Syllabus Essay
, time: 16:08Essay - Advantages Of Living In The City
The Essay on It’s better to live in a big city than a small city All most people like live in a small city, but I love places where there are good transportation systems, where you have better chances getting jobs and where you can easily enjoy cultural life. So I would like to live in a big blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Country Living Vs. City Living Words | 4 Pages. Country living vs. City living The country and the city both offer a place to live, but the pollution, entertainment, crime and education; are all reasons why the country is a better place to live and raise a family · Essay on Life in a Big City– The city life of a big city is always growing and moving. Also, there are hundreds and thousands of opportunities for people in big cities to learn and grow. In addition, they provide a chance to grow professionally and personally. Due to the exposure in cities, people tend to be smarter, and intelligent in Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
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