Monday, May 31, 2021

Honour killing essay

Honour killing essay

honour killing essay

An honour killing (also called a customary killing) is the murder of a (typically female) family or clan member by one or more fellow (mostly male) family members, in which the perpetrators (and potentially the wider community) believe the victim to have brought dishonour upon the family, clan, or community Article shared by Honour killing can be defined as the homicide of the member of a family or social group by other members due to the belief of the perpetrators that the victim has brought dishonour upon the family or blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Honor Killings Essay. Words3 Pages. Honor Killings. For thousands of years women have been looked down upon in society and have not been treated as equals. It wasn’t very long ago that women in America weren’t allowed to have jobs or vote, men were always the leaders. Just tonight my father was saying how when he was growing up if you talked back to your father or husband you would be

Honour Killing Free Essay Sample

Honour killing is the killing of a family member on the belief that the victim has brought shame to the family, or has violated the rules set by the community. Honour killing essay women become the victim of honour killings, where the male family members kill them due to shame. In some cases, honour killing essay, both men and women can become victims of honour killings. It is a type of violence practiced honour killing essay the family.

Many countries have put strict laws against this practice. In some countries, the judicial system fail to take actions to the laws against the killing committees. The government of India should have strict laws against the people who not only commit the heinous crime but also support it by hiding it and removing the evidences or reporting it as suicide. This serious crime needs immediate attention and should be monitored as people are still losing their lives in the name of honour, honour killing essay.

Watch Video. Due to lack of proper laws against these crimes, honour killing essay, it is protecting the honour of a family or society results in the crimes being reported under myriad crime which makes it difficult to track. In some part of the world it is considered a grave offence and necessary steps are taken to criminalize it. This grave offence needs immediate attention and should be monitored as people are still losing their lives in the name of honour.

e Mob and Lynching. Mob is a large crowd especially one that can easily become violent. If a crowd of people lynch someone who they believe is guilty of crime, they kill them without a legal trial, honour killing essay. Thus mob lynching is a kind of killing by a crowd on the basis of some fake news or religious fanaticism, honour killing essay. It has become a threat to our society now-a-days.

Rumours about child lifters also ignited mob violence. As the technology is proved to be boon for mankind but some people spread rumours and fake news leading to assault and death of people. Now, mob lynching has become a social menace, therefore the government should come with the law to deal with it.

Strict actions should be taken against those group of people that leading to mob lynching so that innocent people may not be suffered and lost their lives. Fake news is a kind of yellow journalism which comprises intentional misinformation distributed through broadcasting news media, or via Internet-based social media, honour killing essay. Fake news is intentionally written in order to gain financial or political exaggerated, or false headlines for capturing the attention of the people.

Everyone with an internet connection and a social media presence is now a content generator, honour killing essay. The Govt needs to address the consumer end as well and adopt a collaborative way to tackle the menace of fake news.

Security requirements should also consider the rights of millions of genuine users, honour killing essay. An effective approach to deal with the fake news is to improve honour killing essay literacy i. Government, media, and technology should work together to improve the overall digital literacy in India. The state police machinery should be strengthened to catch anyone responsible for spreading fake messages.

Social media is a very important and popular tool as it provides us many useful and user-friendly features. Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are giving people a chance to connect with each other at any time and anywhere in the world. The youngsters are one of the most dominant users of social media in these days.

People have embraced social media so deeply that it has become an integral part of their lives now. The addiction of social media can destroy the academic life of students as they waste their most of time on social media instead of studying and learning. Anxiety and depression is also a common disadvantage of social media. Social media is neither a boon nor a bane by honour killing essay, it is totally depends on how we use it.

We must maintain a balance between our productive and unproductive activities. Excess use of anything is harmful and the same thing applies to social media too.

Internal security is the security that lies within the borders of a country. Internal security is different from external security, honour killing essay.

External security is considered as the security against aggression by a foreign country. Maintaining the external security is the responsibility of the armed forces of the country such as the Indian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Force in India. In the Global Terrorism IndexIndia has been ranked at 8th place in the list of countries most affected by terrorism.

India needs to implement all of its national powers in a coordinated manner to address its security issues and this will happen only when we give national level importance to internal security in India. Euthanasia means an action which aims at honour killing essay the life of someone at his expressed request.

It concerns an action of which death is the purpose and the result. Euthanasia may be either active or passive. Active euthanasia shows putting individuals to painless death for merciful reasons, as when a doctor administers a lethal dose of medication honour killing essay a patient. At the end, we can conclude that euthanasia should be allowed. A terminally ill patient, who has no chance of recovery rather to endure unbearable pain for the remaining years of his life, honour killing essay be allowed to die so that, spending money, facilities, and time on such a person would be of no utility but the waste of the same.

In such case euthanasia will be the best remedy. Cyber security is nothing but protecting data, networks and other information from unauthorized access, partially or fully destruction or change. Cyber security can play a very important role in our day to day life because we all have online presence. There should have sound cyber security strategies also for protecting the government organizations, the general public and the businesses.

The government and other security agencies should spread awareness among the people regarding cyber security. People should also use proper antivirus software to protect their system from virus and malware attacks.

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Redefining Honor to Fight Honor Killings - Khalida Brohi - TEDxBoulder

, time: 11:10

Honour killing essay in english words - Studyguru Pathshala

honour killing essay

Honour Killing Essay Sample. An honour killing is known to be a cultural practice, historically evolved. It is generally the murder of a family by one or more fellow family members, when they (and potentially the wider community) believe the victim to have brought dishonour upon the family or community 10 Lines on Honour Killing Essay in English 1. The United Nations estimated that every year women and girls are being murdered in the name of honour killing. 2. Honour killings are mainly reported in the Middle Eastern and South Asian countries. 3. It also occurs in countries like Brazil, Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Honour killings are directed mostly against women and girls. About Honour Killing: “Honour killings” or horror killings — call them by any name, they are just one of many crimes born out of unholy traditions which survive on the blood of the innocent. Ironically, any law, no matter how severe it is, will be able to check these crimes

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