According to The Law Dictionary, police brutality is defined as the use of excessive and/ or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. The brutality can come in several forms; ranging from nerve gas, guns, false arrests, racial profiling, and sexual abuse. Many black men and women fall victims to officers. Police killed 1, [ ] Police brutality is a controversial issue that has recently been in the news, but seems to have always been an issue in America. Police brutality refers to the intentional use of verbal or physical attacks directed towards individuals by the police force that result in false arrests, sexual abuse, or death. (Dudley, William ) Police brutality refers to the use of excessive force against a civilian. The controversies that surround the topic of police brutality relate to different definitions and expectations over what is meant by excessive force. Indeed, police officers are expressly authorized to use necessary, reasonable force to perform their duties
Counter Argument Essay On Police Brutality Essay Example
Hi, Aaron, essays police brutality. My name is Lauren, and I will be your online tutor for this session. I will highlight sections of your paper and will add my comments at the right side of the page. I have highlighted a specific word or phrase in your essay and connected a helpful comment. Depending on the version of Word that you use, you may need essays police brutality rest your cursor on the comment on the right side of the paper in order to see the highlighting and connecting lines in Word After you have revised a highlighted section, right click on the highlighting and then choose Delete Comment in the drop down menu essays police brutality remove the highlighted formatting.
You will find my general comments at the end of your essay. The cases of police brutality appear in the United States everywhere and pretty often, that evidently make the citizens ask themselves whether they are safe in their own country and can they trust their law enforcement system. First of all, essays police brutality, it is important to define the cases that can be called police brutality, as any legal measures can be formed based only on a certain definition of violation of a law it is supposed to prevent.
Police brutality can be different but the most common form of police brutality is physical abuse like usage of nerve gas, batons, pepper spray, and guns aiming to hurt or humiliate civilians by intention. Another ways of police aggressive treatment of people are: false arrests, verbal abuse, psychological intimidation, sexual abuse, police corruption, racial profiling, political repression and the improper use of Tasers n.
As far as the cases of police brutality are frequently judged in differently from the cases of the same abuse but made by civilians, the juridical base that frees officers from blame must be reconsidered and changed.
The fact that authorities often deny the victims of police brutality was issued long time ago. Sociological researches describe a lot of cases when the fact of abuse of a victim by essays police brutality is obvious but courts make judicial decisions based on absolution of the police litigator of the process Miller In order to keep the police brutality cases far from public observance, in the U.
Congress passed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Law which was suppose to take violent crimes under restricted control essays police brutality Concerning police brutality cases the essays police brutality asserted that they can be handled within local police departments. This in fact means that guilty policemen can be never punished for their abuse of authority, as long as the only people who punish them are their bosses, essays police brutality.
Some social work researches argue that mostly the victims of police aggressive treatment are several social classes and groups of people that can be detected by some features like: race, nationality, and financial situation of the people Ellis The cases of police brutality were noticed first in s when under the covering of fight policemen killed black people. Even though democracy and liberal values have essays police brutality since those times, these discriminating tendencies still exist, essays police brutality.
The problem is that those people who are from the lower, poorer social classes usually get such an afflicting treatment Pradesh For instance, in the case of Abner Louima, a Haitian immigrant to the United States caused scandal social reaction.
The point was that NYPD policemen took the men to one of the New York police department, beaten him, and sodomized in a very brutal way Miller The most problematic thing here is that such people as immigrants, ethnic minorities, different races, and simply poor people are the most unprotected social levels, which means that nobody can protect them but police.
As long as police is the one that offends them, then who is essays police brutality to protect them? The problem of discrimination by race, nationality, and financial status made the abused people start looking for the instances that would have enough influence to protect them on legal level. First of all, as far as the acts of brutality from police are the straight violation of human rights Sailit is logical that these essays police brutality should be considered in international courts.
But the following question that arises is how we can prove the fact of violation by policeman if all the evidences are hidden by police and local courts ignore them? Obviously it is important to remember that both authorities and police would hide any evidences and try to close the case essays police brutality any public interruption.
A good way of law enforcement control is body cameras which would be functional in many situations. First of all, body cameras would provide police with multiple ways of controlling their workers, essays police brutality. In addition, such camera services can define who is right in a confrontation between a policeman and a lawbreaker. Finally, essays police brutality, if there are some contradictions in analysis of any case when police is included, videotaping will be helpful in figuring out the details of the case.
Evidently, essays police brutality, this would prevent a lot of situations where discrimination takes place. Also, body cameras would be helpful in finding some of the other lawbreaking of police workers like corruption, networking with bandits, documental falsification, and simple avoiding of official duties, essays police brutality.
But there are some difficulties concerning body cameras usage n. Firstly, essays police brutality, it is essays police brutality kind of violation of privacy on the workplace.
This can cause a lot of essays police brutality problems and human factor can once play its role. Secondly, the obligatory usage essays police brutality body cameras requires special addition positions in police departments for people who will actually watch these videos as if the videos are used only in contradictory cases to check who is wrong and who is right, then a lot of their functions are lost.
Still even if at least one function of the cameras was used, it would be much more helpful than without the cameras at all. Thus, in order to make body cameras obligatory there must be some judicial background to force policemen to wear the cameras. Though people often fight for privacy because they realize how important it is and how it influences on their effectiveness on a workplace.
But if dealing with violation of law and human rights, when there are a lot of real victims of authority abuse, essays police brutality, then obviously privacy of policemen becomes the least important matter.
As far as policemen are the workers of law enforcement, they can sacrifice their privacy in favor of the highest priority which is human life and its safety. Police brutality has always been a common problem of authority abuse. The reason is clear, as it often happens that people start essays police brutality their power when they get it, essays police brutality.
To make such methods of control work they must be legally supported and financed by government, which duty is essays police brutality protect people from violence.
Danilina, S. Essays police brutality Law Dictionary. Sail, Rajendra K. Economic and Political Weekly. Pradesh, Andra. Ellis, Arthur L. Social Work. Aaron, you have chosen an interesting topic for your research paper and make some good points. However, the development of ideas throughout your paper is unclear because your essay lacks a clear thesis and body paragraphs lack clear topic sentences. Your thesis is not yet specific enough.
This must be stated in an argumentative research thesis. The thesis statement for the ENG argumentative research paper should include three parts: who an individual, group, or organizationwhat action should be takenessays police brutality, and why the benefit or result of purposed action.
Here is an example of a thesis for an argumentative research paper: Large cities should plant a colorful mix of perennial flowers in all road medians and on sidewalks in order to essays police brutality the increasing dilemma of road rage. Notice the specificity here. It states the who large citiesthe what should plant a colorful mix of perennial flowers in all road medians and on sidewalksand the why to combat the increasing dilemma of road rage, essays police brutality. Take what you have in your current thesis and specify it more so that your meaning is clear.
Because your essay lacks a clear thesis, the development of ideas in the essay — what you are trying to prove — is unclear. In addition to a good thesis, strong topic sentences are needed. If the thesis is the heart of the assignment, then the topic sentences are the bones, or structure, of the essay. The topic sentence first sentence of the paragraph should connect to the thesis statement and give the main point of the supporting paragraph.
A specific topic sentence will help you to focus your supporting paragraphs. Without it, it is unclear how the details in a body paragraph tie together and how the body paragraph connects to the thesis. What Is Police Brutality?. October 5, What Is Police Brutality? Accessed 31 May, Essay Samples Police Brutality Essays What Is Police Brutality? Police Brutality. Police Brutality Struggling essays police brutality your HW? Get your assignments done by real pros.
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Retired cop explains what his job taught him about police brutality - New York Post
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Dec 07, · This sample paper on Counter Argument Essay On Police Brutality offers a framework of relevant facts based on recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body, and conclusion of the paper below. The police serve an integral part in society as its protectors. The profession of a policeman is considered noble as they save lives Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Police brutality refers to the use of excessive force against a civilian. The controversies that surround the topic of police brutality relate to different definitions and expectations over what is meant by excessive force. Indeed, police officers are expressly authorized to use necessary, reasonable force to perform their duties Police brutality is one of several forms of police misconduct, which involves undue violence by police officers. It seems to happen in several countries, but very
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