Monday, May 31, 2021

Essays on globalisation

Essays on globalisation

essays on globalisation

 · When we talk about globalization then the very first thing that strikes our brain is it must be something about all over the globe or the entire world. It is a limitless act. Globalization is the process of exchanging products, human beings, technologies, information, etc. all over the world. Globalization is a worldwide blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Essay on Globalisation (Essay 6 – Words) Essay on Globalisation – For College and University Students (Essay 7 – Words) Essay on Globalisation – For IAS, Civil Services, IPS, UPSC and Other Competitive Exams (Essay 8 – Words) The worldwide integration of people, services and interests is what globalisation is all about. Since the last decade, there has been a tremendous focus Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins  · A sample of an Essay on Globalization. The following is a sample of an essay on globalization talking about the adverse effects of globalization: Globalization Pros and Cons Essay. Globalization may seem to be a new thing in this century, but the truth is, it is not an entirely new process. It has existed with us as long as the existence of the blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

Globalization Essay - Impact Of Globalization

Free words Globalisation Essay: The concept of globalization is currently a popular but very controversial issue, and has been one of the most widely debated issues since communism collapsed.

It means different things to different people, but in most cases remain a loose and ill-defined concept. Globalization has several definitions, but an undisputable fact which everyone agrees to is the fact that it is a complex process that has wide and varying impacts on economies, both developed and developing. Looking critically at the concept, globalization in its broadest sense can be said to be a prismatic, complex, and multidisciplinary topic. It can be examined from several angles which includes not only economic, the most common viewpoint, but also social, cultural, ideological and political ones.

For those looking at it from the economic angle, it refers to the increasingly internationalized character of the emerging global economy. It means different things to different people, but the bottom-line is that these disciplinary-based viewpoints fail to take into consideration the multiplicity and complexity of change processes, and therefore fail to appreciate their effects, both directly and indirectly.

This widely accepted definition shows the way in which globalization today connects the cultures and communities in one corner of the world to development occurring in another country. It is dynamic and unpredictable, although not entirely disordered. Four major factors have been identified to be the driving forces pushing forward worldwide interdependence. Although it is believed in many quarters that the two major forces behind globalization are entrepreneurship and technological innovation, these two alone cannot give an explanation of the process of improved economic integration.

The most formidable force is the economic dimension of globalization as it is the driving force for both the social and political aspects Ibrahim Taking Africa for example, European cultures were able to find their ways into the innermost regions as a result of the colonisation of various countries which was triggered by the European industrial revolution.

This then means that globalization does not hold the same benefits for all members of the global community. It holds more benefit for members of developed nations while developing nations can be said to be in a rather deprived position.

But looking closely essays on globalisation the impacts of globalisation on developing countries, one would observe both sides of the coin, in that it has both positive and negative impacts. Globalisation has had a lot of positive effects on developing countries. For instance, it essays on globalisation a significant role in the ability of some countries to achieve essays on globalisation. The same thing for Nigeria, Rwanda, and a whole essays on globalisation of other developing countries in which occurring world events positively impacted their abilities to achieve self-rulership.

Another positive impact of globalization on developing countries is an increase in standard of living. One of the essays on globalisation of globalization of economies is to reduce poverty, essays on globalisation, and this aim is being achieved by the increased access to foreign funding from industrialized nations to developing countries. And the spending of these funds on improving the education, health, social, and transport infrastructure of the developing nations aids in improving the standard of living of the people.

Thanks to globalization, developing countries now have access to new markets, essays on globalisation. This opening allows the transnational movement of labour, foreign capital, new technology and management to developing countries from the more industrialized nations, essays on globalisation.

The only catch to this is that the bulk of these capital flows so far is strictly limited to a small number of developing countries, especially the big ones such as Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, essays on globalisation, India, Brazil, China, essays on globalisation, etc. Again looking at the effect of globalisation on world trade, and indirectly on trade in developing countries, it is quite obvious that it enhances economic growth.

One of the emphasis of globalization is that member countries should open their markets to ensure open trading free of limitations. In this regard, liberalisation of trade would lead to the removal of all restrictions, essays on globalisation, causing unrestricted forces of demand supply to direct the movement and substitution of the factors of production, leading to efficient investment by producers Mubiru Reduction in trade restrictions in a lot of developing countries lead to the partial relocation of several manufacturers from more industrialized nations to new locations in developing countries.

This may have arisen as a result of tax exemptions or reduced tariffs offered by many developing countries in order to encourage foreign investors, or increased proximity to cheap labour and occasionally consumers. And the resultant benefits to the host developing nations are numerous.

One is an increase in employment opportunities for the indigenes as there is creation of more jobs. Also, influx of foreign manufacturers may also lead to the import of new technology. And with transfer of new technology from developed countries comes more opportunities for training for local employees. This, in some cases, has lead to impaction of entire regions at a time, causing the benefits to go beyond national boundaries.

Taking this further, the slackening of barriers to various other products and sectors, especially agricultural products, would lead to immense gains to developing nations. In addition, globalisation leads to global competition, and in the long run, to local competition, ensuring the improvement of creative abilities and innovative capabilities. Competition between producers of commodities ensures the quality of the products and services at reduced prices, leading to specialisation and efficiency.

Other positive impacts of globalization on developing countries include better access to foreign culture and entertainment through television broadcasts, music, essays on globalisation, clothing, movies, etc; increased cooperation between governments and the ability to work with better focus towards the achievement of common goals; and diffusion of knowledge and technical know-how among member countries, especially the less-privileged countries.

Much has been said about improvement in technology but globalisation also improves communication as it leads to faster means of communicating and travel. As stated earlier, globalization is somewhat partial as industrialized nations benefit more from it than developing countries. One of the major negative impacts of globalization on developing countries is poverty.

Globalization has been said to increase poverty. at present, only a relatively small number of countries are enjoying these gains [of globalization]. Many millions of people are excluded, essays on globalisation, left behind in squalor. Although the exact impact of globalization on poverty is very difficult to assess, research estimates show that poverty has increased by 82 million, 14 million, essays on globalisation, and 8 million in sub-Saharan Africa, essays on globalisation, Europe and Central Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean respectively Globalization and its impact Taking a more critical look at this, globalization itself cannot be held responsible for most of the poverty in developing countries as other factors such as bad governance, poor economic policies, weak reforms, etc have also implicated.

But globalization is a major factor. It makes the rich countries, in this case, the industrialized nations, to become richer, and the poor nations, the developing countries, to become poorer Zygmunt Bauman in Beck Although several African economies initially benefited from globalization as there was a transient economic growth, over the years, they have become heavily dependent on the wealth of well developed nations Lawal To make this worse, agricultural growth is very feeble.

And since the s, the terms of trade and the import capacities have declined sharply resulting in the reduction in the per capita income of the region Lawal Compounding the woes of several developing states is the enormous debt build up.

These and several other evidences has led to Africa, which houses a major part of world developing states, to being referred to as the most heavily indebted region globally. Considering globalisation from the health and disease angle, it has impacted seriously on the epidemiology of infectious diseases, essays on globalisation, as regards the ability to prevent, control and eradicate these diseases, worldwide and especially in developing countries.

One of the ways by which this has occurred is the enhancement of technological capacities worldwide, leading to increased emissions and a resultant global warming. This in turn leads to enhanced breeding of vectors such as mosquitoes, animal or human behaviours such as bathing in pools which may have been contaminated with the larvae of schistosomes, etc Saker et al.

Over the years, large increases in international trade have encouraged the introduction of western diets to the previously natural diets of most developing countries. And in the long run, western diseases are gradually essays on globalisation prevalent in developing nations. Again, introduction of western lifestyle through globalization to the developing has led gradually loss of core values leading to increased looseness and promiscuity among the youth and adults alike.

Globalization has increased the vulnerability of the rural farmer in the remotest village to world events. An example is the case of coffee farmers in Uganda. But since globalization came in and the Coffee Marketing Board was abolished, the farmers have been made vulnerable to changes and shocks in the world market. And for developing countries to have buoyant agricultural sectors, the farmers have to be sheltered from the full vagaries of the world market, a task made very much impossible by globalization.

Before the advent of globalization in developing countries, the main source of occupation for the active members of the population, both men and women, was agriculture, essays on globalisation. But since the influx of foreign corporations occurred, there has been a sectoral shift in the labour force as more hands are being drafted towards assembly essays on globalisation and fewer hands left in the fields.

Another effect of globalization in this regard is a relative increase in unemployment. All these, coupled with shocks in the global economy and the act of outsourcing have led to the laying off of thousands of workers who previously worked in the big multinational companies resulting in mass unemployment. Prior to the onset of globalization, there existed a little wage difference between skilled and unskilled workers in most developing nations.

But since globalization came in, there is a widely accepted fact that increases in the demand of skilled labour drove the drastic increase in skill premium. Similarly, different theories have been proposed for the changes in relative prices and consumption as caused by globalization. But the most widely accepted conclusion is that globalization has contributed largely to inequalities in developing nations.

Better opportunities in more developed countries, coupled with the possibility of easy travel, have lead to a lot of educated people being lured away from developing countries. In addition, globalization has resulted in the loss of cultural boundaries. In this wise, it has caused the extinction of several languages in many developing nations.

The way languages are going extinct is very rapid, and this has been predicted to continue unless something can be done to stop the complex process of globalization Cronin The enhanced interaction of western cultures with local cultures in the developing world has led to melting of previously existing cultural barriers so that the individuality of the local cultures begin to fade.

The increase in international travel has also contributed to this as the World Health Essays on globalisation estimates that approximatelypeople are in airplanes at any one point in time The Guardian 28 Aprilessays on globalisation. Also, the adoption of multiculturalism coupled with the melting of international barriers and easy spread of propaganda through the internet has led to youths of developing nations imbibing extremist ideas, causing their being used by terrorists in suicide attacks, as is occurring in many developing nations such as Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, Egypt, etc.

The encouragement of free trade zones in developing countries in a bid to woo foreign investors has resulted in negative effects. In a bid to maximize profit, most of these multinational companies prefer to refrain from creating healthier and safer working environments for their workers.

And coupled with the inability of the workers to unionize as a result of the free trade policy, the workers have to suffer in silence. Other negative impacts of globalization in developing countries include the alteration of the environment and reduction in environmental sustainability, essays on globalisation, essays on globalisation in human trafficking, exploitation of cheap labour by foreign industrialists.

This paper has been able to show globalization as a complex process with wide reaching impacts on developing countries. Globalization on its own has a lot of gains and benefits, but due to the influence of some other factors and especially the nature and structure of most developing nations, it impacts negatively despite its advantages, essays on globalisation.

These impacts hold serious challenges for developing countries in the face of needed economic growth and essays on globalisation for these countries. To this end, the leadership of the various nations in the developed world must understand that their major responsibilities lie in the needs of their immediate societies. It is therefore imperative that these countries formulate rational policies and reforms that would guide liberalisation of trade and the complexities essays on globalisation globalization as a whole to conform to their own domestic economic agenda, essays on globalisation.

Globalization itself should not be hindered. Adedeji, A Indigenization of African economies, essays on globalisation, Hutchinson University Library for Africa, London, essays on globalisation. Annan, K Globalization and its impact Distributional Effects of Globalization in Developing Countries, Journal of Economic Literature, vol.

Ibrahim, MJ Lawal, G. Mubiru, E, essays on globalisation. Ofosu V Princová, K

Writing Practice - Ad\u0026DisAd Essay - Topic Globalization

, time: 16:52

A Sample Globalization Essay

essays on globalisation

 · A sample of an Essay on Globalization. The following is a sample of an essay on globalization talking about the adverse effects of globalization: Globalization Pros and Cons Essay. Globalization may seem to be a new thing in this century, but the truth is, it is not an entirely new process. It has existed with us as long as the existence of the blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins  · The model answer for Globalization Essay Write about the following topic: Even though globalization affects the world’s economies in a very positive way, Estimated Reading Time: 1 min Essay on Globalisation (Essay 6 – Words) Essay on Globalisation – For College and University Students (Essay 7 – Words) Essay on Globalisation – For IAS, Civil Services, IPS, UPSC and Other Competitive Exams (Essay 8 – Words) The worldwide integration of people, services and interests is what globalisation is all about. Since the last decade, there has been a tremendous focus Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins

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