Monday, May 31, 2021

Essay on pollution control

Essay on pollution control

essay on pollution control

 · Paragraph On Pollution: Pollution is the intermixing of harmful substances known as pollutants with the natural environmental components. There are various forms of Pollution, like land pollution, water pollution, air pollution, and soil pollution. No matter which form of infection it is, it has dangerous impacts on our blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins  · The best way to curb land pollution is following simple three R’s, they are Reduce waste, Re-use things and Recycle things. Under the pollution control approach, attempts to protect the environment have especially relied on isolating contaminants from the environment and using end-of-pipe filters and scrubbers. These solutions have tended to focus on media-specific environmental quality Reviews: 26  · Essay on Pollution Control Board and Role of various Institutions. The main objective of the Board is the correct implementation of the arrangements. May 27, Essay on Pollution Control Board and Role of various Institutions Important Note: This is a personal view. Data and organisational names are based on the personal view of the writer

Essay on Environmental pollution control - Green Clean Guide

National Pollution Control Day is commemorated on the 2 nd of December every year in India. The day commemorates those who have lost their lives in the infamous Bhopal gas tragedy that occurred on rd December I have given below three essays of varying lengths on National Pollution Control Day.

Every year on 2nd December, India observes national pollution control day in the memory of all those who lost their lives in the Bhopal gas tragedy, essay on pollution control.

It was one of the worst manmade disasters of all time and affected millions of lives. On the night of rd December, there occurred a gas leak in Bhopal that had silenced thousands in their sleeps, essay on pollution control. The gas was poisonous methyl isocyanate MIC leaking from a tank in the pesticide production unit of Union Carbide India Limited UCIL.

Within a matter of hours, essay on pollution control, the gas had polluted the air and was carried to the nearby residential areas with the wind. Thousands of others suffer severe respiratory ailments. The Bhopal gas tragedy was a harsh reminder that man-made pollution could do tremendous damage to the lives of humans.

The day brings to fore the most significant issue of pollution that concerns the health of not only humans but also the environment as well. Industrial growth and human activities are inevitable; therefore, there is a need to draw new policies so that no more Bhopal gas tragedy occurs in the future. Also, people are made aware and educated about taking self-precautionary measures in case of emergencies relating to pollution. It is for the benefit of the nation and its people to celebrate National Pollution control Day.

As more people are made aware there essay on pollution control be fewer lives lost due to pollution. National Pollution Control Day is observed on 2nd December every year to commemorate the victims of the Bhopal Gas Disaster.

It is mainly organized by the National Pollution Control Board, a statutory organization under the Ministry of Environment, forest, and Climate change. The day is observed in the memory of nearly four thousand victims of Bhopal gas tragedy, those lost their lives. It also commemorates thousands of others who were left temporarily or permanently injured due to the effects of the gas. The incident occurred in a pesticide production plant run by Union Carbide India Limited UCIL.

On that fateful night of rd December one of the tanks containing toxic methyl isocyanate MIC gas, leaked, releasing around 40 tons of the gas in the atmosphere. Within two to three hours, the gas has traveled by air in the south-west direction, compelling millions to flee. Those who were unable to outrun the gas fell to the ground, essay on pollution control. The disaster had caused around four thousand casualties and left around half a million people injured. Pollution today is a growing concern for the world.

It is not only a concern for India only but the whole world is suffering from several types of pollution, essay on pollution control.

Air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and others, seriously affect the lives of millions. Also, the people who are living close to the industrial area are exposed to all types of toxic smoke and essay on pollution control produced as byproducts. Such pollution seriously essay on pollution control the quality of life and makes people sick. National Pollution control day is widely observed by the relevant government organizations to spread awareness about types of pollution and their impact on life and health.

People living in disaster-prone areas, essay on pollution control, that is, those living in close vicinity of a chemical plant or a nuclear plant are briefed about the precautionary safety measures to be taken. Inspections of industries are carried out by concerned departments to ensure that all the safety guidelines have been complied with. Industries with poor maintenance and safety measures are warned or served a notice to stop work immediately.

In the wake of the growing pollution and essay on pollution control damage it could cause to human life and health — National Pollution control Day is a welcome move. The true purpose of the observance will only be served when more and more people are made aware of the pollution and its effects. National Pollution Control Day India is observed on 2 nd December in memory of all those who have lost their lives in the Bhopal gas tragedy, essay on pollution control. Bhopal Gas Tragedy or the infamous Bhopal disaster occurred during the night of December The incident took place at the pesticide plant in Bhopal, operated by Union Carbide India Limited UCIL.

The tragedy occurred due to the leak of methyl isocyanate MICwhich is an extremely poisonous gas. The leak occurred as a consequence of the attempts to maintain pressure in one of the MIC tanks failed. It meant that the 42 tons of MIC gas could not be pumped out of the tank.

By the time senior maintenance officers responded, the pressure in the tank had increased to 50 psi resulting in the bursting of the safety valve and the leak to MIC. Nearly, half a million people in the adjoining areas were affected.

The tragedy resulted in nearly deaths and half a million injuries. The main objective of National Pollution Control Day is to make the people aware of the pollution and its hazardous effects on health and also the environment. Government agencies responsible to deal with unprecedented disasters essay on pollution control tested and mock drills held to check their responsiveness.

The agencies also held several informative programs to teach people how to save their lives in case of gas leaks or other manmade disasters. Many events are organized by relevant government agencies on National Pollution Control Day. Seminars and discussions are held on topics of natural and human-induced causes of pollution. People are briefed and made aware of the impacts of pollution on life and methods that should be adopted to eliminate pollution.

Manufacturing industries organize training sessions for the employees in which they are trained about maintaining safety procedures. They are also given guidelines for safety and precautionary measures in case of an emergency. It is a fact that essay on pollution control takes more lives on the planet than any other disease.

Today we live in a highly industrialized world where industries are found scattered all over the globe. Often, there are cities and towns in the close vicinity of these industries. Therefore, even small negligence could jeopardize the lives of thousands or even millions as was seen in the case of Bhopal tragedy. Observance of the National Pollution Control Day is significant as it keeps the authorities on the toe for maintaining the utmost safety procedures as well as issuing timely guidelines to the industries.

It gives a single platform to all the government and non-government agencies to address the issue of pollution. In a broader prospect, the day, essay on pollution control, not only helps reduce industrial pollution, essay on pollution control, but also other types such as — air pollution, water pollution and others as well.

It is an essential event that generates awareness among the people on as sensitive and as essential an issue of pollution. It helps contain the pollution from all the spheres of human activity. Observance of the national pollution control day is very important given the fact that pollution every day is increasing at an unprecedented rate. The day must be observed with more involvement from the general public, essay on pollution control. Also, the government must issue guidelines and strict laws to control pollution.

It is celebrated on 2nd December to give tribute to people who died in the Bhopal Gas Tragedy on the same date in It is celebrated to make people aware of the increasing pollution and its destructing effects.

The highest source of air pollution in the world is automobiles. The pollution of river water can be determined by the amount of Oxygen. I am a writer with no particular genre of choice. Though, I like to write on issues that concern the general populace.

I also love to know people, communities and cultures from close quarters. I write to satisfy the writer in me and also to keep you updated on several topics.

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Short and Long Essay on National Pollution Control Day for Students

essay on pollution control

According to the article called, “Soil pollution: Causes, effects and control, it says that “Plastic is one of the main causes of soil pollution, as it takes a very long time to disintegrate” (Mishra, Mohammad & Roychouhury, , p. 12). People are impacted by water pollution  · How to Reduce Pollution? Reduce the use of non-biodegradable things– Environment has a property of reviving itself by degrading the naturally Plant more trees– To decrease the air pollution and save the species, it is very important to plant more number of trees. Less Use of Chemicals– With Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins  · The best way to curb land pollution is following simple three R’s, they are Reduce waste, Re-use things and Recycle things. Under the pollution control approach, attempts to protect the environment have especially relied on isolating contaminants from the environment and using end-of-pipe filters and scrubbers. These solutions have tended to focus on media-specific environmental quality Reviews: 26

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