Jan 04, · Importance of Friends in our Life Essay 1 ( words) Friends are extremely important for everyone. Whether it is a toddler, a teenager, a middle aged person or an old person – everyone needs good friends around to live life to the fullest. During childhood, friendship helps in making us understand and develop the habit of sharing and blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins I have lots of friends in school, but Diluksha is my best friend forever. She is years-old. She is from Panwila. I first met her in Grade 6 and we became best of friends. She is my true friend because she understands me very well. She has many hobbies. In her free time, she reads novels. She is very good in her studies. We sit together in class Aug 21, · + Words Essay on Friendship. Friendship is one of the greatest bonds anyone can ever wish for. Lucky are those who have friends they can trust. Friendship is a devoted relationship between two individuals. They both feel immense care and love for each other. Usually, a friendship is shared by two people who have similar interests and blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins
My Friends Essay | Cram
It is as important to have friends as it is to have a family. Good friends help, guide and support us at every stage. Friends give us emotional support, essay on my friends, they help us during difficult times and make us feel special. Blessed are those who have true friends in life. Here are some essays on Importance of Friends in our Life of varying lengths, essay on my friends. You can choose any Importance of Friends in our Life essay as per the need.
We have provided below short and long essay on importance of friends in our life in English. The essays have been listen in simple English language for your information so that you can easily remember them and present them when needed. After reading the essays you will know what the importance of friends in essay on my friends life is, how friends help us in studies and also in other matters, what qualities do good friends share etc.
You can use these essays in your school assignments wherein you are expected to write an essay or take part in discussion over importance of friends in life.
Friends are extremely important for everyone. Whether it is a toddler, a teenager, a middle aged person or an old person — everyone needs good friends around to live life to the fullest. During childhood, friendship helps in making us understand and develop the habit of sharing and caring. Small kids develop friendship faster and enjoy the company of their friends.
They play and learn together. Friends are important for their proper growth and development. As teenagers, friends become all the more important for us. We go through numerous emotional, physical and mental changes during our teenage. Many of the problems faced during this age cannot be discussed with our parents and other family members.
However, we are quite comfortable sharing these with our friends. Having good friends who can listen to our issues and provide us support and guidance are indeed a blessing during this age. We have all heard about mid-life crisis.
More and more people these days are suffering from this problem. Their family, job, kids and almost everyone and everything around begins to appear as a burden to them at this age. Having good friends around at this time can help in bringing about positivity amid this emotional upheaval. Friends are equally important during old age. With the growing nuclear family system couples are left alone essay on my friends their old age. If they have friends around, their life remains joyful and interesting instead of becoming dull.
Friends form an essential part of our lives. Life becomes more enjoyable and bearable when we have good friends around. Even one real friend can bring about a positive change in our life, essay on my friends. Here is why friends are important:.
True friends are extremely supportive of each other. They support one another at various levels. They help in bringing out the best in each other by extending help when it comes to studies and other activities. My friends are always ready to share their notes with me whenever I miss out any class. This is a great help for me. They also act as an emotional support.
Whenever I am down emotionally, essay on my friends, I turn to my best friend. She knows how to calm me and support me at such a time. Good friends are also our essay on my friends guides. They are there to guide us at every step.
Whenever I need advice regarding handling my relationships, managing my studies or participating in other activities my friends are there to guide me. They are also there to guide me whenever I break down emotionally. They help me look at the positives in life and shun the negativity. There is no denying the fact that having friends makes life more fun and enjoyable. Being around friends is extremely fun and exciting, essay on my friends.
I love going out on trips with friends. While I enjoy family trips too however the enjoyment on trips planned with friends is simply unmatched. Partying with friends, gossiping with them for hours, going for shopping and movies with them and indulging in crazy activities that only your group can understand is all extremely fun.
I am lucky to have a crazy bunch of friends whose level of craziness matches mine all the way. They make my life amazing and so full of life. Friendship is known to be the most beautiful relationship in the world. We choose our friends on our own unlike our family members and relatives who form a part of our lives whether or not we want them to.
If you have even one good friend in life, you will know what I mean. Among other things, I cherish my friends for extending emotional support. There are numerous instances in life when we get emotional and just want to talk our heart out to somebody. There are many things that we essay on my friends share with our parents and siblings for the fear of hurting them or invoking their anger. This is when we can turn to our friends. Good friends are always there to listen to you endlessly. They are there for you during your difficult times when you have an emotional outburst.
Sometimes, all we need is someone who can listen to us without passing any judgement and forming any opinions about us. This type of comfort level is only found in friends. They listen to us and help us get over that emotional phase. I remember the times when I have an argument with my mother or sister or get a scolding from my father or teacher for some reason, it becomes very difficult for me to concentrate on my studies until the things resolve.
All I keep thinking about is that I should not have said or done things that led to such a situation. I almost break emotionally and go on a guilt trip, essay on my friends.
These are the times when I need my friends the most. I turn to them for advice to get things sorted. However, just venting out my feelings in front of them can make me feel much better. I know that I have someone whom I can fall back on whenever I am faced essay on my friends an emotional situation.
They may or may not be able to alter the situation however at least they help me overcome that guilty feeling by reminding me that I am just a human being and that I do not have to be too essay on my friends on myself. I am lucky I have some really amazing friends around. They are my pillar of strength and as important to me as my family. Without them my life would have been extremely dull. Friendship is indeed very important in our lives. True friends are blessings from God, essay on my friends.
They make our life worth living. It has been observed that when there are two children of the same age group in a house, they grow and develop faster at various levels as compared to single child in a family. This is because they share similar interests, indulge in similar activities, play, enjoy and learn from each other.
Most kids are left alone with maids or with their mother who are already loaded with numerous other responsibilities that they are unable to give enough attention to their kids. This hampers their physical as well as mental growth. While the nuclear family system has become the need of the hour, we can ensure proper growth of the toddlers by helping them build friendships.
Parents must take their toddlers to parks where they can find kids of the same age. Being around kids of their own age is a delightful experience for them. They play, learn and grow the right essay on my friends when they are surrounded with friends. This is also one of the main reasons for the establishment of so many play schools these days, essay on my friends. Kids who are sent to play schools learn to share and care and grow better. They are better prepared to take on the regular school as compared to those who do not attend play school.
Earlier there was joint family system. People lived with their extended families and rejoiced every occasion with them. They helped and supported each other with various tasks. Friends were still important and their presence added to the overall mood of every occasion.
However, the growing nuclear family system has made people realise the importance of friends all the more, essay on my friends.
Not just the young couples and kids, the old men and women also feel the need to have a good friends circle. Old people these days are left alone as their children move out for professional and personal reasons. Those who have a good friends circle can survive well even after their children get busy with their lives on the other hand those who do not have friends often feel lonely and get into depression or incur other such illnesses.
So, people belonging to the older generation, these days, seriously need some good friends. Many clubs and societies have been formed to help old people bond with each other.
GCSE French Speaking: Describe your best friend
, time: 12:00Essay on Importance of Friends in our Life for Students

Essay on My Best Friend – Essay 3 ( Words) Friendship is a great blessing in anybody’s life. A person gets acquainted with different people during their life journey. Among these, we find a few who think in our wavelength with similar taste and nature. We become more attached to these type of people and spend more time with blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Essay on My Best Friend in Words Introduction: Friendship is a really good relationship between two humans. We all have friends and we understand the importance of friendship very well. We need to respect this relationship and need to work making our friendship better with our blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Jul 24, · + Words Essay on My Best Friend. Friendship is one of the greatest blessings that not everyone is lucky enough to have. We meet a lot of people in the journey of life but there are only a few who leave a mark on us. My best friend is one such person who has been able to make a positive impact on my life. We have been a part of each other’s lives for the longest time and our friendship Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
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