Monday, May 31, 2021

Essay about water

Essay about water

essay about water

Jun 01,  · Short Essay on Importance of Water ( words) Water is available in abundance on Earth. It is present on the surface of Earth as well as beneath it. The water bodies present on Earth’s surface include rivers, ponds, seas and blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Aug 20,  · + Words Essay on Importance of Water Water is the basic necessity for the functioning of all life forms that exist on earth. It is safe to say that water is the reason behind earth being the only planet to support life. This universal solvent is one of the major resources we have on this blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Sep 14,  · Essay on Water Water is a colourless and odourless substance that is essential for the survival of the living beings. It is derived from various sources including rivers, lakes, oceans and streams and has several uses. Water constitutes of almost 71% of the Earth’s blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins

Essay on Water for Children and Students

Water is life. Every living being on Earth needs water to survive. Plants need water to fetch nutrients from the soil and stay nourished, animals need water to quench their thirst and human beings require water for several purposes including drinking, cooking, cleaning, and washing to name a few, essay about water.

Water also serves as habitat for various creatures. Our planet is filled generously with water, essay about water. Thus, all the mentioned needs are being taken care of since centuries. Here are essay on Importance of Water of varying lengths to help you with the topic in essay about water exam.

After going through these Importance of Water essay you will know a good deal about importance of water for us as well as the environment, various uses of water, different sources of water, water cycle, essay about water, how to conserve essay about water etc.

Water is available in essay about water on Earth. It is present on the surface of Earth as well as beneath it. The surface water evaporates due to the excessive heat of Sun.

Thus, the water that evaporates gets replenished by the natural process of water cycle which occurs continuously. This helps in maintaining the eco system and makes our planet worth living. While Earth is filled with plenty of water, fresh water is very small part of it and its amount is only decreasing by the day. It is sad but true that due to various human activities and human negligence, the water present on Earth is getting polluted, essay about water.

Fresh water is getting depleted as the water bodies are being polluted due to industrial as well as domestic waste. It is high time we must understand the importance of water in our lives and the necessity to save it. There are many simple ways in which we can avoid wastage of water such as bathing with less water, watering plants with waste water from RO, cleaning the car with a wet cloth rather than pipe, etc, essay about water.

We must also use the method of rain water harvesting to collect rain water. This way we can contribute our bit to save water, essay about water. It is one of the main reasons which make life possible on our planet. Available from different sources, water is an essential requirement for all essay about water living beings.

It is used for various purposes by human beings. Here are some of the important uses of water. Water is essay about water for different purposes in homes and offices. It is as much essential for other living beings as it is for the humans, essay about water. It is one of the main reasons we are alive. It is impossible to imagine life without water. Water is present in solid, liquid and gaseous forms on Earth.

Water essay about water in high demand as it is used for various purposes. Fortunately, we have many sources of water including seas, rivers, oceans and rain. Water replenishes itself naturally and constantly by way of water cycle thereby maintaining balance in the atmosphere. Water is needed for the survival of the living beings. Be it plants, animals or human beings — all three require water.

While plants and animals mainly require water for the purpose of drinking or as habitat, human beings use water for several purposes. The process of water cycle involves different steps. These are evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation and surface run off. Water vapours rise into the atmosphere. Slowly these vapours cool down and condense to form clouds.

When large amount of vapours join together, the cloud becomes heavier and falls in the form of rain. This way the water falls back on the surface of Earth. It gets accumulated in rivers, lakes, oceans, layers of rocks and soil. This completes the process of water cycle. The water collected in oceans and other water bodies once again evaporates and the entire cycle reoccurs. This is an ongoing process. Water cycle also impacts the weather condition on Earth.

The cycling of water in the atmosphere regulates the weather patterns. Surface Water: This is found in rivers, lakes, streams, seas, oceans and reservoirs. The downpour from the clouds and the melting of snow from the mountains fill the rivers and the lakes. Rivers flow continually and meet the sea. The sea water flows into the ocean.

Surface water evaporates and enables the water cycle process. Water seeps under the land via porous rocks and soil. Water cycle makes sure the lost water is replenished on the planet and is available in abundance for all the living beings.

Essay about water this process did not occur naturally we essay about water not have sufficient water on our planet, essay about water. Water is an essential part of our ecological system, essay about water. It is one of the main substances that make our planet fit for living. Water is essential for the growth and development of plants and animals. We use water directly as well as indirectly for many of our needs.

Water helps in several functions of the body including blood circulation, digestion, regulating body temperature, protecting tissues and joints and excreting waste via perspiration, defecation and urination. Our body continually uses water to perform these functions. So, we need to provide a essay about water supply of water to our body to help it function well.

It is important to replenish the lost water timely. Plants prepare their food by way essay about water photosynthesis. Water forms an essential part of this process. As we water the plants, it enters their stem and moves up to their leaves. It draws nutrients from the soil and carries them to the leaves. Photosynthesis takes place in the leaves. The water present in the leaves evaporates and is exchanged for carbon dioxide. Without proper supply of water, the plants do not get enough nutrients and photosynthesis cannot take place.

As a result, the plants begin to droop and fall. Different kinds of plants require different amount of water at different times. While some plants need to be watered twice a day others require water once essay about water week while there are yet others that can go weeks without water especially during cold and moist season.

Water serves as home for the marine creatures. Wide variety of fishes, turtles, frogs, crabs and other marine creatures live in seas, oceans and rivers. These water bodies are their habitat.

Most marine creatures live solely in water and cannot survive on land. They add to the biodiversity and are an essential part of the eco system. The increase in the level of water pollution is causing a threat to these beautiful and innocent creatures.

Many species of the beautiful marine creatures have either gone extinct or are endangered. Water pollution is caused due to various human activities. It needs to be controlled in order to provide a safe and healthy habitat for the marine creatures.

Water is vital to the survival of living beings. Even as water recycles naturally, the amount of fresh water on Earth is depleting fast. This is all because of the negligence of human beings. We use water for several purposes throughout the day.

We waste it more than we use it, essay about water. This is the reason why water is decreasing essay about water a rapid speed. It is high time we must use water wisely and limit the activities that pollute it.

Water is among the most essential substances on Earth. Two third of Earth is covered with water; however, only a small part of it is fresh water which is essay about water for human use. The growing pollution is polluting the fresh water too, thereby making it unfit for any kind of use. Besides, fresh water available for use is often wasted during various activities.

This has become a global cause of concern. It is time we should understand the importance of water and try to save it. In this era of growing water pollution, we need to watch out our activities. Fresh water is getting scanty mainly due to two reasons. One of these is the increasing level of water pollution caused due to industrial waste and various other human activities and the other is the continuous wastage of water by people around the world.

We must conserve water otherwise it will become difficult for us to survive on Essay about water in the times to come.

Write an essay on water pollution -- Essay writing

, time: 7:09

Long and Short Essay on Importance of Water in English for Children and Students

essay about water

Jun 01,  · Short Essay on Importance of Water ( words) Water is available in abundance on Earth. It is present on the surface of Earth as well as beneath it. The water bodies present on Earth’s surface include rivers, ponds, seas and blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Jun 11,  · Essay on Importance of Water: Water is an essential part of life and vital for sustainability. It helps the body carry out specific metabolic tasks and regulates the temperature of our body, and water is unique because its density resembles that of cell protoplasm’s The significance of water in our diet is evident to blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Jul 12,  · Life and Importance of Water Essay Water is often considered to be one of the most important resources our planet has, and rightly so. Although people don’t need to be surrounded by water all the time, we shouldn’t forget that a human being can survive without food for about several weeks, but without water, he would die in a matter of days

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